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The program will only run if the bootblock and the protection routine are identical. In order to simulate a successful boot sector, the copy protection routine checks several conditions: Check if the boot block is exactly the same as the one located on the boot disk - the boot block is the first 640 bytes of the disk If the protection routine uses itself as a protection routine, it requires "finalization" by reading the boot block - if the boot block doesn't match, the protection won't initialize If the boot block is changed, something is wrong - the protection routine must match the boot block If the protection routine changes the boot block, it must also change other parts of the protected disk, such as initialization and the booter on a data disk
The boot sector is a block of data at the beginning of the disk containing the information necessary for the computer to start up. The Boot Sector was programmed with a tiny section of code in BASIC that would then step forward to a pre-defined location and begin to execute a program. Also found on the first track of the disk were reserved blocks of data that communicated with the boot sector of each disk. A protection method was required to prevent copying of the boot sector with the intention of using it for the boot of a floppy disk, or loading the boot block of a disk into memory and starting the program.
The dreg, or disk record format, was the disk format that made up the mapping of data to storage for blocks, racks, SAX(cylinder), and other data. In all cases it is the dreg that defines how the data is stored and retrieved, and in invention is also responsible for synchronization and error detection. The dreg is extremely important for all operating systems to use in terms of its subsystem format and human-readable interface. d2c66b5586