Throwing a basic pass in Madden 23 is super easy. When your teammates are in position for a pass, you’ll see a unique button floating over each one of their heads. If you want to throw a pass to a specific teammate, all you need to do is press the exact button that you see above their head. But remember that this is the most basic form of passing. The more advanced forms of passing in Madden NFL 23 have their own unique button combinations. So in this guide, we’ll show you the different types of passes and styles in Madden 23 and the controls you will need in the match depending on the circumstances.
High Pass
For Xbox Users – Hold LB + Receiver Icon
For PS Users – Hold L1 + Receiver Icon
As the name suggests, the ball will go high up in the air when you perform the High Pass throw. This will eliminate any opportunity for underneath defenders to intercept your pass. The High Pass is especially handy when you’re trying to throw seam routes or hitting a receiver at the back of the end zone.
Low Pass
For Xbox Users – Hold LT + Receiver Icon
For PS Users – Hold L2 + Receiver Icon
The ball is aimed toward the receiver’s knees and lower thighs, occasionally causing them to hit the ground in order to catch the pass. Surprisingly, performing a successful low pass increases the chance of catching the ball while making it more difficult for the enemy team to intercept it.
Bullet Pass
Press + Hold Receiver Icon
When you perform a Bullet Pass, you will throw the ball to the receiver as fast as you humanly can. This is probably the most used type of pass in the Madden franchise. You might be using the Bullet Pass already without even knowing.
Touch Pass
Press + Release Receiver Icon
To perform it, you need to press the respective button of the receiver, hold it for a very specific amount of time, and then let it go. The Touch Pass is only worth using in very specific situations. Ideally, it’s supposed to be used when you want to throw the ball over and subsequently under the defenders, without the ball having too much airtime.
Lob Pass
Tap Receiver Icon
The main purpose of the Lob Pass is to throw deep balls to your receivers on streaks and posts. But one thing to note is that since you’re lobbing the ball, it will stay up in the air for a while. So if you mess up the timing and throw the Lob Pass too late, you will go beyond the throwing range of your quarterback. If this happens, the opposition will have a free interception.
That’s all you need on All Types of Passes in Madden 23 and their controls. For more guides, please browse here. What’s more, you can buy mut coins madden 23 here, which are cheap and 100% safe!