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Based on the new and unique framework with advanced features. Actix Analyzer empowers you to manage TAC, OABD, HABD, FAPD, DABD, OABD, FAPD, DABD, CCTT and BCTT, along with TAC/RATIO and KPI/KV. Load balancing tools support for enhanced monitoring. It monitors RJ45 frames, TraI boxes, and other network components. With this tool, you can track down cable problems, troubleshoot VoLTE and VoWiFi systems, and verify the fidelity of new and existing equipment. oC’s other functions include: Wireless coverage sweep and monitoring. anGle detection. Trace back and trace forward of end-user packets. KPI and KV support. Improved logging features and much more.
The program is equipped with different modules, such as chipset validation. Trace and trace back. AnGle visualization. Half duplex vs full duplex. RATIO and KPI management. Replay history. Standalone footprint, and other features.
The handset certification module monitors the activity of different TAC and other TAC/RATIO modules. This includes hardware, firmware, TAC and RATIO, and GSM phase compensation. OABD/Facilities, configuration, PSTN and core testing. d2c66b5586