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We take the view that fundamental science roughly describes the world and therefore should have, if it were true, a proper basis in metaphysics. I cannot pretend to have decided for sure that this is true, but I find it very hard to find a viable alternative to-the concept of supervenience. -the concept of possible worlds viewed as genuinely fundamental. -the idea that the existence of objects independent of any experience is a valid conception even though it flies in the face of what we all think and know about the world. -the concept of explanatory closure. -the fixed properties of an electron as being massive and charge neutral. -the idea that there are such things as space, time and numbers. -the idea that the laws which govern the world are really laws at all. -the idea that the mathematical is the mystical. All these ideas appear in foundational physics and it is hard to get around them. What else are they?
A complete A&P curricula as used by many FAA Part 147 schools and by those self studying for the A&P exams. This set features the set of four FAA-H-8083 Handbooks (corrected editions and the books from which all FAA test questions are derived), matching Test Guides, Workbooks, AC43.13, and the current FARs. All books also sold separately.
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