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The application is one of the most powerful password crackers on the market. While Phisher does not feature the same level of complexity as Password Cracker, it does automate the entire process of brute-force cracking large amounts of usernames and passwords in a very effective manner.
You can always install the extension below, which prevents the update to jump to the "download" window. Just don't update if you want to stay current, i.e. keep on using APT version 8.2.1-1 (released on 2014-04-13).
The subdomain is registered to a webhosting provider called DNS Media Hosting, registered with the local IP addresses and These DNS hosts have a history of hosting various tools for sale, including an SSH-CMS backdoor in 2016 and an exploitation kit for MITM attacks in 2018.
A simple crypto-currency that has no central issuer, auditor, or authority. It rewards people who solve complex puzzles. It also has the concept of Fog, which basically allows transactions to be pegged to real-world currencies. The currency may also be used to buy other digital goods and services.
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