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So far as the historical portion of the book of Kings is concerned, it is absolutely impossible to state where it was written, or in what year it was composed. It was composed in Babylon, as is generally admitted. O. Scheubel, however, in his Lexicon haggadisticum, takes a different view. He believes that the writer of the book of Kings was also the prophet Jeremiah. This opinion he bases on the fact that the prophet Jeremiah resolutely judges the kings of Judah and Israel, and does not shrink from threatening the latter with destruction. According to Jeremiah either the two countries were not yet united at the time of his labors, or he did not have the fountain of the whole matter at hand in his memory. Since the rest of the prophets of the Old Testament (Isaias and Elijah) never take a political point of view either of those countries, we may assume that Jeremiah was the only one who had seen everything.
All learned scholars, who have studied the book under the guidance of the Spirit of God, have maintained that there could not be two prophets in these two kingdoms in the same time. The name of Jeremiah appears in every part of the Bible, and he was perhaps the only prophet who is mentioned every time a prediction about the future of Jerusalem, but as a whole. He was the only prophet who is spoken of twice, when he predicted to the exiles at Babylon the fall of the city of Jerusalem and the captivity of the nation, and also when he predicted the siege of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar. Thus the book could not have been composed by the prophet Jeremiah, and therefore the more possible view is that the old prophecy has been expunged, and that further details were added at another time. It is probable that this book also originally belonged to the priestly class.
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