Chk Chk Chk Louden Up Now 2004
For users with other graphics cards and/or monitors, it is recommended to use only supported resolutions and these resolutions are now supported with Compiz. For example, 800 x 600 was previously unreported by the Filesystem when reporting all available display settings in which case the shader-packing bug would be inaccurate. We suspect this may have something to do with an insufficient bandwidth setting causing the shaders to fill all available RAM.
It is possible to disable the shader packing completely by editing the video settings in the Filesystem. If you wish to do so, change the colordepth to 1004 instead of 1024 and set the colordepth to auto.
Minimum Cores of your CPU and GPU are reported for compatibility. We also recommend that you set the screen resolution above 800 x 600 and that you purchase the latest AMD and Nvidia drivers for your GPU. Please note that we currently do not have any assurance that future patches will be Windows kernel compatible.
Our recommended resolution is a 4K monitor that is 30" apart from the monitor with the game but there is no guarantee that Windows will allow this and our driver may not be compatible with that. We also do not support any other resolution devices. We are not responsible for different resolutions supported by the game. d2c66b5586