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This study focused on the three most popular street drugs in theUnited States -- powder cocaine, crack cocaine, and heroin. Weused information from the Procurement Interviews to quantify the roleof street-level drug dealers in the market for each drug byproviding indicators such as the number of different dealers theuser purchased from, whether the user bought drugs from the samedealer throughout a given month, and whether the user went to somemore dealers if the first dealer he or she contacted was not available.
The Procurement Interviews provide detailed data about eacharrestee's procurement and use of the three major drugs used in theUnited States. The Interviews contain information on the purchase anduse of each drug type, including cocaine, heroin, marijuana, andamphamphetamines. It also includes information on whether theuser bought the drug in the neighborhood, how the user made theconnection with the dealer, the number of different dealers theuser purchased from, how the user got the majority of the drugs heor she used -- i.e., street, house, phone, beeper, business/store,or friends -- the methods by which the user obtained the money heor she used to purchase the drugs, the means by which he or shepaid for the drugs purchased, e.g., through the purchase ofbenzodiazepines or anticholinergic drugs, the number and quantity ofdrugs purchased during a month, whether the use of the drug wasplanned or impulsive, and the number of doses used in the past3 days. Further information is provided regarding how the drugscontribute to drug-related activities and whether they are the mainheroin source, whether the user was influenced by the drug and by thosewho sell it, and whether the user is a user dependent on the drug. d2c66b5586